

Explore courses that will help you learn new languages and improve your communication skills in different cultures and contexts.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your fluency, this category offers lessons in a variety of languages, from widely spoken ones to more niche dialects.

Learn grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and gain insights into cultural nuances that can enhance your language-learning journey. Start your path to becoming multilingual today and open doors to new opportunities around the world.

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You search for: All offers by «Klubschule Migros» from the category «Languages»

Französisch Niveau A1

Klubschule Migros

Mi., 14. Aug. – Mi., 4. Dez.

CHF 700.80

Italienisch Niveau A1

Klubschule Migros

Mi., 21. Aug. – Mi., 27. Nov.

CHF 630

Spanisch Niveau A1

Klubschule Migros

Do., 14. Nov. – Do., 17. Apr.

CHF 756

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