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Explore courses focused on health and well-being, covering topics from physical fitness to mental wellness and nutrition.
Whether you’re looking to improve your personal health, learn about medical practices, or explore holistic approaches, this category offers expert insights to help you live a healthier life.
Gain knowledge about disease prevention, stress management, and healthy habits that promote longevity. Start your journey toward better health today and empower yourself to make informed decisions about your well-being.
Show all categoriesYou search for: All offers from the category «Health» located in Bern
MBCL - Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living / Achtsamkeitsbasiertes Mitgefühlstraining / 8-Wochen-Kurs
Gabriela von Arx GmbH
Mo., 14. Okt. – Mo., 13. Jan.
CHF 960
MBSR Stressbewältigung durch Achtsamkeit / 8-Wochen-Kurs
Gabriela von Arx GmbH
Mo., 5. Mai – Mo., 30. Juni
CHF 898