Protect & Rescue

Protect & Rescue

Explore courses that focus on protection and rescue, providing essential skills for safeguarding lives and responding to emergencies.

Whether you’re interested in first aid, disaster response, or personal safety, this category offers expert-led training to prepare you for a variety of challenging situations.

Learn lifesaving techniques, how to assess risks, and the best practices for handling critical incidents. Start your journey in protection and rescue today and empower yourself to act swiftly and confidently in times of need.

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You search for: All offers by «notfallTraining schweiz» from the category «Protect & Rescue»

First Aid Stufe 3 IVR - Grundkurs

notfallTraining schweiz

28. August 2024

CHF 1,950

First Aid Stufe 2 IVR Grundkurs

notfallTraining schweiz

Fr., 23. – Di., 27. Aug.

CHF 1,140

First Aid Stufe 1 IVR Grundkurs

notfallTraining schweiz

Mo., 19. – Di., 20. Aug.

CHF 760

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