Food & Drink

Food & Drink

Explore courses that will help you master the art of food and drink, from cooking techniques to beverage pairing and culinary creativity.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned chef, this category offers lessons on everything from basic recipes to gourmet dishes and global cuisines.

Learn how to prepare delicious meals, improve your kitchen skills, and experiment with new flavors and techniques. Start your culinary adventure today and elevate your passion for food and drink to the next level.

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You search for: All offers by «Imran Farzand – gemeinsam genießen» from the category «Food & Drink»

Pastart – Der Pasta Kochkurs

Imran Farzand – gemeinsam genießen

Mi., 3. Juli – Di., 19. Nov.

CHF 139

Kochkurs Asia Fusion

Imran Farzand – gemeinsam genießen

Do., 11. Juli – Sa., 12. Okt.

CHF 139

Namaste India, der indischer Online Live-Kochkurs.

Namaste India, der indische Online Live-Kochkurs

Imran Farzand – gemeinsam genießen

So., 6. Okt. – Sa., 9. Nov.

CHF 39

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