Communication & Presenting

Communication & Presenting

Explore courses designed to enhance your communication skills, whether you’re speaking to a small team or presenting to a large audience.

From mastering public speaking techniques to improving your interpersonal communication, this category provides the tools you need to communicate with confidence and clarity.

Learn how to engage your audience, structure compelling presentations, and handle questions with ease. Start your journey to becoming a more effective and persuasive communicator today.

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You search for: All offers by «InnoHub» from the category «Communication & Presenting»

Wirkungsvolle Techniken im Verhandeln für mehr Erfolg

Verhandlungen führen


Mo., 19. Aug. – Di., 10. Dez.

CHF 1,500

Im Konfliktmanagement Kurs lernen, Konflikte nachhaltig zu lösen

Konfliktmanagement Kurs


Mo., 8. Juli – Di., 5. Nov.

CHF 1,100

Mit Präsentationstechniken besser präsentieren lernen



Do., 5. Sept. – Mi., 13. Nov.

CHF 590

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