Music & Singing

Music & Singing

Explore courses that will help you develop your musical talents, whether you’re learning an instrument or improving your vocal skills.

From music theory and composition to mastering your favorite instrument or perfecting your singing technique, this category offers something for everyone.

Learn the fundamentals of rhythm, melody, and harmony, or dive deeper into advanced techniques and performance skills. Start your musical journey today and express yourself through the art of music and singing.

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DJ Kurs by Pioneer

SAE Institute Switzerland

CHF 430

SingTank (Singen) für Erwachsene

Musik Treff Basel

CHF 20


Musik-Akademie Basel

17. August 2024

CHF 800

Jodeln - Workshop

Klubschule Migros

30. November 2024

CHF 160

Gesang: Stimmbildung - Workshop

Klubschule Migros

13. Juli 2024

CHF 160

Gesang - Privatunterricht / Sommerkurs

Klubschule Migros

Di., 9. – Fr., 12. Juli

CHF 216

Einsteiger Workshop Musik Produktion

School of Sound

8. Juli 2024

CHF 79

Einsteiger Workshop Club Djing

School of Sound

12. Juli 2024

CHF 79

Synthesizer Sounddesign Kurs!

School of Sound

Fr., 5. – Sa., 6. Juli

CHF 490

Mixing Mastering Kurs

School of Sound

Sa., 13. – So., 14. Juli

CHF 590

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